
Environmental services

Harmsen LLC offers experienced Environmental services that will provide you with a thorough analysis of any on- and off-site wetlands, streams, or other critical areas that may affect your project.


Harmsen is pleased to offer the following enviromental identification and assessment services:

Critical Areas Reconnaissance

Prior to purchasing a property or beginning the permitting process, it is important to understand and be aware of what protected landscape features are present onsite and in the immediate vicinity.

A critical areas reconnaissance will provide you with a thorough analysis of any on- and off-site wetlands, streams, or other critical areas that may affect your project.

As part of a fixed fee, you will receive:

  • An in-depth letter of findings
  • A sketch of all identified critical areas in the vicinity
  • And an estimated buffer calculation
sUAS LiDAR Aerial Mapping

Many municipalities require identification and permanent documentation of critical areas on private property. Delineation and categorization of critical areas such as wetlands and streams must be complete before any buffers may be applied on your site. The edges of wetlands and the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of streams, rivers, and lakes define where any related buffers must begin. Categorization of critical areas determines the width of any applicable buffer areas. Our survey mapping accurately establishes critical areas and buffers relative to your property boundary. The fee varies with the size and complexity of the site.

Critical Areas Delineation

The delineation and categorization of critical areas such as wetlands and streams must be completed before any required buffers can be applied; this is done by marking the edges of wetlands and the Ordinary High-Water Mark (OHWM) of streams, rivers, and lakes. Categorization of the critical area determines the width of any applicable buffer areas. Our wetland specialists accurately establish the critical area and calculate the buffer while our precision survey instruments locate this border and apply the buffer relative to your property boundary. Fees for this service vary with the size and complexity of the site.

Critical Areas Studies & Mitigation Plans

Otherwise known as Critical Areas Reports; When impacts to Critical Areas or their associated buffers cannot be avoided, a Critical Areas Study and Mitigation Plan may be necessary. Our Wetland Specialists are prepared to write a report that meets all the criteria required by the Municipality. Mitigation Plans are developed to be compatible with the site using the best available science provided by the Department of Ecology, the Municipality, and any other applicable regulatory agencies.

Floodplain Services

Development in the FEMA Regulatory Floodplain can seem daunting, however, Harmsen has all the capabilities necessary to complete the required Flood Hazard Permit in a timely and cost effective manner. Our state-of-the-art survey equipment captures elevations on the site within 0.1' accuracy. Elevation Certificates and Flood Hazard Site Plans are handled by our licensed surveyors, while our Certified Floodplain Manager completes all NFIP Habitat Assessments.

Other floodplain services include:

- Letter of Map Amendments {LOMAs}
- Density Fringe Calculations

Shoreline Jurisdiction

Harmsen has ample experience completing:

- Shoreline Permits
- Shoreline Variances
- Shoreline Exemptions